Our Products

Our Products are designed for 3 Customer Segments

Adheeq has created its product portfolio, along with its sister concerns and partners, to serve 3 distinct customer segments. This external market segmentation for products is carried through the organization, and it reflects in the product development organization structure. Such tight Market and Development team coupling ensures absolute customer centricity and evolution of products that proactively cater to the future needs and wants of customers. 

Enterprise Products


A SAP S/4 HANA Migration automation tool

WaySmart ERP

An ERP platform for medium and small size enterprises


Comprehensive Hospital Management Software


An automated and Advance Technical , Assurance, compliance and Testing tool

SME Products


Smart Content Management Solutions

WaySmart Lite

An ERP platform for medium and small size enterprises


A comprehensive, effective and efficient eCommerce for both B2B and B2C Segment


A smart Clinic Management platform

IT for Startup

Comprehensive platform that effectively takes care and significantly automates needs of startups e.g. Finance, HR, recruitment, project management


A Smart tool to make the eNewspaper even more effective.

Community Products


A smart apartment, residential layout and community management platform


Smart blood donation platform that helps connect the needy and donor in time, making small community self dependent.


A platform that foster community commerce


A smart Micro Finance Management Platform